2012年9月5日 星期三

Profiting From Facebook

Sports Jerseys From China, Unless you\'ve been living in a monastery these last few years, you have certainly heard of Facebook. You may use it yourself.

Even if you\'re familiar with Facebook, you may not realize that \"corporate\" pages on Facebook are different from personal pages. (I\'m lumping all types of organizations including non-profits, businesses, and even governmental entities under the umbrella term of corporate because they\'re all more or less the same on Facebook.)

They have most of the same components - a comment wall, photo album and the like - but Sports Jerseys From China you can\'t add friends from a corporate page on Facebook. Sports Jerseys From China In fact, you can\'t reach out at Sports Jerseys From China all. People can find you but you can\'t go looking for them.

The only way to draw them to you is through your own advertising and promotional efforts.

Why advertise on Facebook?

Have you ever noticed the ads on Facebook pages?

Chances are, you ignore them just like most people ignore most online ads. That\'s because most online advertising isn\'t done very well.

If you have noticed them, you\'re probably just as annoyed by them as most people. Again, because they usually aren\'t done very well.

If we follow the reasoning to its logical conclusion, you might as well ask why bother to advertise at all. Of course we all know that\'s not realistic for any business that hopes to survive long.

You may or may not have read the statistic that if Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populous country in the world. Behind only China and India.

You only need a very tiny fraction of that \"population\" to buy your product or service for you to be resoundingly successful.

How is Facebook different from other online advertising?

Facebook advertising is interesting. When used to its potential, it\'s unlike any other advertising you have ever done. It\'s even unlike other online advertising.

Google AdWords, the giant in online advertising, lets you target ads based on what people are looking for.

Unlike AdWords, Facebook lets you present ads to people based on who they are.

What does that mean?

Let\'s say you own a dog grooming business. You could create an ad in a newspaper. Everyone who reads the newspaper would see your ad, whether they have a dog or not.

Or you could use AdWords to present more or less the same ad online but show it only to people who search for dog grooming services.

Facebook, when used correctly, is different. A lot different.

With Facebook, you wouldn\'t write just one ad or even test a couple of different ads against each other. You might write 500 ads. (Don\'t worry, this will not be burdensome or expensive. The ads will all be more or less clones of one another.)

You might have one that starts out \"Does your Scottish Highland Terrier need grooming?\" That ad, of course, would be presented only to people in your geographic area who own Scottish Highland Terriers. A similar ad would start out \"Does your Yorkie need grooming?\" You could have another that starts \"Does your Maltese need grooming?\" And so on.

Each of these ads would be ultra-targeted and shown only to people who have the specific breed of dog mentioned in the ad. Surely you can already see how powerfully different that approach can be. In fact, your head is probably swimming right about now with all the ways you can make use of this kind of thing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6810419